What types of office pods are there?

What types of office pods are there?

Three main types of office pod

Firstly, let us start by explaining the types of office pods that we think exist and the what function they’re designed to perform. At My Office Pod, we classify our main categories to be meeting pods, office phone booths and work pods. Hopefully, the names of these give a good description of what the pods functions are but within these groups there are office pods that are designed differently and have many different benefits. There are an increasing amount of office meeting solutions so having a understanding of these features and their benefits will make easier to decipher what type of pod is needed for your space and what you can expect from it.

Acoustic pods

Also called: acoustic booths, soundproof office pods and soundproof booths.

Pods with acoustic features have been designed with noise control in mind. When using a pod, whether for a meeting, phone call or doing some work, it is beneficial to have a quiet space that limits the distraction of outside noise so that you can concentrate. Acoustic pods have this benefit at varying levels and is something to consider when purchasing an office booth. Many manufacturers will test their products so that they can give a decibel rating (db) and this has become a universal marker to assess the quality of the acoustics in the booths before you experience them in person.

See: Lohko Phone Booth, Hush Phone Booth

Mobile pods

Some pods are mobile and have in-built features that assist with mobility. One way this is done is through castors or wheels. By having them on the base of the pod, it means that you can change the location of the pod if needed and if you have a few pods, you can create meeting or work spaces that accomodate more people by pulling the pods together. People change their minds about where office pods, need to be positioned. Having mobility allows for flexibility in how to layout your office or workspace something that can’t be said for a inbuilt meeting room.

Another way this is made possible is by using a pallet truck. The Hush range of office booths, for example, is built on a steel frame which is strong enough to hold the pod together when lifted by a pallet truck and moved around. This can be very useful, not only if you change your mind about where it needs to go but also if you need to do things like, check power outlets underneath or change the carpet.

See: Hush Meet Pod

Sofa pods

These pods get their name as they are sofas but with high sides and backs, sometimes they also have a roof. Having a version of a sofa that is more enclosed means that there is more privacy and the sound is controlled for better quality conversations or quietness when on the phone and working. As above, these office pods are often mobile and on castors. Two sofas can be put opposite each other to become a functional meeting space and, tables can be put in between them to offer a place to put drinks, laptops, notepads and other items. Like sofas, office pods designed in this way, have many different finishes and fabrics to choose from so they are easy to introduce into your office interior design scheme whilst having the additional benefits of an office pod.

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